What to know about the Austrian second-hand trade

KommR Karl Heinz Kremser
Professional branch chairman old goods trade
© Foto Weinwurm
The Austrian name for “second-hand goods” is “Altwaren”, so many shops use it on their signs. Most of the merchandise is coming out of estates which sometimes are originating from the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy still. So the variety and range of the goods being offered is very wide. From second-hand furniture, bric-a-brac, antiques to design-lamps – everything can be found!
The „dealers-directory“ is permanently kept updated and covers more than 500 contacts all over Austria, though the majority is located in Vienna.
A printed edition of the directory is published annually, for Austria and Vienna each (little yellow books). You can order a free copy at our secretariat.
The supply
Most second-hand dealers buy estates and do the apartment-clearings, therefore are offering a wide range of goods The naming of up to three specializing-fields in the directory not necessarily means that only those are kept!
The services
Apartment-clearings or vacating other objects are done professional and reliable
The knowledge of the second-hand dealers optimises the recycling of usable goods, while the garbage is disposed properly.